Operation Simulation

Skyevtol can provide airspace design and make related simulations according to local environment.
airspace design sample.pngSkyevtol will help customers to establish an efficient team and a collaborative design process with a larger role from state and local stakeholders (government, communities, businesses, etc.) where UAM operations will occur. The UAM operation envirionment (UOE) coverage is tailored to a specific metropolitan area and in some cases UOE may extend into actively controlled airspace. This provides navigable UAM routes between metropolitan areas and actively controlled airspace similar to special flight rules areas. The UOE extension into actively controlled airspace enables UAM operations in the terminal environment of existing controlled airports without active ATC management.
Significant technological advances in decision-making support tools, automation, and data management enable the UOE airspace to accommodate increasingly complex operations and higher volumes of air traffic at low altitudes. The increase in low-altitude air traffic includes passenger-carrying UAM flights, sUAS operations, growth of historical general aviation (GA) operations, and other UAM cargo operations.

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