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About us

Skyevtol  is established by entreprenuers from top chinese universities and outstanding companies in aeronautics and astronautics field. The company is located in bueatiful Sciense and Technology Industrial Park of Shenzhen with 100 millions CNY investment. Skyevtol has established a professional and high innovational team whose members are deeply understand FAA/EASA/CAAC airworthiness regulations, targetting at estalishing high effecient UAM network operation under local ATC authority.
Skyevtol team received the first V380 logistic UAV in its fleet
Skyevtol team received the first V380 logistic UAV in its fleet
Skyevtol team received the first V380 logistic UAV in its fleet, and started the solution approval process of city logis……
UAV overall design service
UAV overall design service
Skyevtol is established by entreprenuers from top chinese universities and outstanding companies in aeronautics and astr……
UAV overall design service
UAV overall design service
Skyevtol is established by entreprenuers from top chinese universities and outstanding companies in aeronautics and astr……
UAV overall design service
UAV overall design service
Skyevtol is established by entreprenuers from top chinese universities and outstanding companies in aeronautics and astr……
UAV overall design service
UAV overall design service
Skyevtol is established by entreprenuers from top chinese universities and outstanding companies in aeronautics and astr……
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