Company Profile

Skyevtol is established by entrepreneurs from top Chinese universities and outstanding companies in aeronautics and astronautics field. The company is located at beautiful Science and Technology Industrial Park of Shenzhen with 100 million CNY investment. Skyevtol has established a professional and high innovational team whose members are deeply understand FAA/EASA/CAAC airworthiness regulations, targeting at establishing high efficient UAM network operation under local ATC authority.
Corporate culture
  • Air service

    "Serving the country by air" is our industrial feelings and our spiritual home. We can realize our life value in the hard struggle of practicing "serving the country by air".

  • Professional integrity

    "Professional integrity" is our foundation. The awe of the industry and products and the importance of aviation safety require us to do things with an attitude of excellence and conduct ourselves with honesty and trustworthiness.  

  • Innovation and Transcendence

    "Innovation and Transcendence" is our goal. We survive in the airworthiness system created by Westerners, compete in the world's prevailing Airworthiness System, and strive to surpass our competitors and ourselves.

  • Work hard and perseveringly

    "Hard work" is the only way for us to achieve our goal. Aviation technology needs long-term accumulation, and only hard work and positive progress can we become a value contributor of the world aviation industry.

Our strengths
  • Historical opportunity of general aviation transformation
    Provide global solution

    The entrepreneurial team's accumulation in the fields of aircraft design, aviation manufacturing, digital communication and navigation, including experience in technology development, test and certification, sales service, etc., has been extremely keen to identify the general trend of general aviation's transformation to the direction of personalized consumption of flying vehicles. On the basis of building an airworthiness system that meets the requirements of CAAC, FAA and EASA, the entrepreneurial team has introduced, developed, and developed a new system of aviation Test the flying vehicles suitable for the Chinese market and operate them economically and efficiently.

  • Excellent multinational cooperation team

    The entrepreneurial team of the company comes from well-known aviation universities and leading enterprises in the communication industry, and cooperates with Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics to develop the detection scheme. It selects several large MRO maintenance service partners in China to implement the maintenance service, and jointly provides safe and reliable Urban Traffic Flight solutions for customers in the Chinese market.

  • One stop sales coaching solution

    In addition to building a safe and reliable airworthiness management capability (21 units and 145 units), the company has also entered into a partnership with Beihang Flight College and China Construction Bank to provide a series of financial services such as private customized aircraft procurement, coaching, flight, operation, trusteeship, etc. to flight sports enthusiasts, and implement a one-stop solution for urban intelligent transportation system.

  • Active innovation pioneer

    The company actively participates in the development and use of clean energy power equipment under the guidance of new energy policy, actively develops and introduces UAM system of hydrogen fuel thruster, based on the current situation, strives for innovation and embraces the future of China's general aviation operation industry.

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